Electric power industry
an area in which we can help you on any issues related to the optimization of business processes and digitalization of activities
We research - develop - implement - support
We optimize existing business processes, research new technologies, develop and integrate IT solutionsthat can transform your business
experience in implementing Russian and international projects
completed projects
employees with business expertise in the energy industry
Resident of the Innopolis SEZ - the largest innovation platform in the Russian Federation
Member of the community developing and implementing a roadmap to improve legislation in the energy industry
an area in which we can help you on any issues related to the optimization of business processes and digitalization of activities
we implement blockchain technology and smart contacts in product solutions (digital sales, property rights registers, etc.)
we introduce digital technologies into all areas of business to transform management and production processes
exploring how digital and financial technologies can shape new business models
Design of a Unified Automated Logistics Management System
Automated information system "Unified platform for managing consumer service processes" based on ELMA365
Electric filling station control system
Implementation of a business process management system for conducting transactions using funds from the National Welfare Fund
Methodological support for the creation and implementation of an automated maintenance and repair management system for the State Unitary Enterprise "TEK SPb"
Providing technical support services for the business intelligence software platform Alpha BI
Development and implementation of a unified system for the functioning of the retail electricity market based on blockchain technology
Work on methodological support for the implementation of an automated information system for standard processes for managing maintenance and repair, technical and repair of equipment and integration with related business processes in generating subsidiaries of PJSC Inter RAO
Supply of electric filling stations and control systems for electric filling stations, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan
Granting non-exclusive rights to use the software “Automated system for price-dependent demand management”
Granting non-exclusive rights to use the software “Automated system for price-dependent demand management”
Setting up a personal account, organizing a data warehouse, debugging a system for setting up application processes through a personal account
Services for testing the practical application of distributed registry technology for storing commercial electricity metering data
Development of basic use cases, management information models and technical design for the ∀Platform regarding the use of blockchain technology
Software development for Automated Investor Control System
Development of an information platform for use on a demonstration complex for implementing a variant of the IoEN reference architecture
Creation of a prototype and testing of a support system for a model for organizing payments for electrical energy between subjects of the retail market of electrical energy and power of the Republic of Tatarstan
Development of software “Recording system for the issuance and circulation of green certificates”